Date published : November 20, 2018Introduction is a online auction website with support for realtime bidding, built with Spring MVC and hosted in AWS EC2.
The authentication and registration was implemented manually, without external APIs.
After authentication that user is prompted to the home page where all the ads are displayed, which can be filtered by categories and ordered by price.
To user also has the option to add products by specifying the product details as shown in the following figure.
Price information can be tracked in realtime through WebSockets. The client initiates a connection to the server indicating the listings he is interested in (information which is stored in the cookies), and a connection is created which keeps sending information until it is closed, which removes the need for long-polling applications.
It is also possible to see product pages, which include details about the product such descriptions, images, videos and even music.
The application has includes a back office section where an admin can manage listings, with the following functionalities available:
- Alter user roles
- Delete user accounts
- Add new options for auctions (e.g., new auction durations)
- Add new categories
- Verify user accounts